Manual of Procedures
This Manual of Procedures (MOP) describes the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Network structure; operating policies; roles and responsibilities of entities and individuals within the IMPAACT Network; protocol development and approval processes; site selection; process; standardized study operations procedures; data and specimen collection and processing procedures; and quality management, monitoring and evaluation of trials conducted by IMPAACT. See it here.
Get access to IMPAACT publications from 1986 to the present.
Network Templates
Download PowerPoint and poster templates here.
Laboratory Center
Get access to our Lab Center here.
Regulatory and Human Subject Protection Resources
Links to DAIDS SOPs, OHRP Policy and Guidance and other useful links
Training Opportunities
Links to training resources at NIAID, HANC and others
Specimen Repository Search Tool and Proposal Submission Process
Investigators are encouraged to take advantage of the large inventory of biological specimens in the IMPAACT and ACTG repositories for new investigations. The specimens stored at the repositories were initially collected for specific HIV-related studies that have concluded and are now publicly available for use. To increase investigator access to these specimens, an interactive search tool is available at the following website: Here, investigators can learn about the types and numbers of specimens available, information about the studies for which they were collected, and what research was published for those studies. The search tool will also provide a report that lists your specimens of interest. You can then use this report to help write your research proposal to the network.
Investigations using biological specimens from completed IMPAACT studies should be proposed via a New Works Concept Sheet (NWCS), which is accessible at the bottom of the Submit a Research Proposal page. Completed NWCSs should be submitted to the IMPAACT Operations Center for review by the IMPAACT network using this email address:
More information on the NWCS submission and review processes is available in Section 15 of the network Manual of Procedures here.
Media Release Form
Complete the electronic Media Release Form here.