Areas of Research

The IMPAACT Network is committed to conducting high-quality clinical trials that will advance the prevention and treatment of HIV and its complications in infancy, childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, and postpartum globally.

Our research agenda includes four scientific aims, reflecting the key areas of our work as outlined below. For each area, a Scientific Committee composed of experts in the specific field, site investigators, community representatives, and representatives of the central network resources, continually reassesses the research priorities in light of emerging science as well as new ideas and opportunities; seeks collaboration with other trials networks and research entities; oversees the formulation and review of study concept plans based on the scientific priorities; and monitors the development and implementation of approved network studies in the specific research area.


Cure & Immunotherapy

The IMPAACT Cure & Immunotherapy Scientific Committee aims to evaluate the potential for ART-free HIV remission through therapeutic interventions aimed at prevention, clearance, and post-treatment control of HIV reservoirs in infants, children, and adolescents with HIV and leverage expertise for evaluation of vaccines for HIV and related/co-occurring conditions in these populations.

Brain & Mental Health

The IMPAACT Brain and Mental Health Scientific Committee (formerly HIV Complications & Co-morbidities Scientific Committee) aims to determine optimal and feasible biological and behavioral methods for the prevention and management of neuropsychological and mental health complications of HIV and its treatment in infancy, childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, and postpartum.


The IMPAACT Therapeutics Scientific Committee aims to advance treatment during pregnancy and postpartum, aiming to optimize maternal and child health outcomes and accelerate the evaluation (pharmacokinetics (PK), safety, antiviral efficacy), licensure and optimal use of potent and durable ARVs and other therapeutics during pregnancy and in infants, children, and adolescents with HIV and related diseases and conditions.


The IMPAACT Tuberculosis Scientific Committee aims to evaluate novel approaches for TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment in infants, children, adolescents and pregnant and postpartum women with and without HIV that will lead to optimal dosing and regimens, licensing and decreased morbidity and mortality.
SBSC icon

Social Behavioral Scientific Core

The IMPAACT SBSC engages in HIV care, HIV prevention, retention, adherence and other aspects of social behavioral determinants of study product and open-label drug use, support and measurement.