Network Structure

The International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Network is a global collaboration of investigators, institutions, community representatives, and other partners organized for ending the worldwide HIV epidemic among pregnant and postpartum women and infants, children and adolescents, our specific populations of interest. This will be accomplished by optimizing treatment and management of HIV and its complications and co-infections, including tuberculosis (TB), through the conduct of high-quality clinical trials of promising interventions and in collaboration with other research networks and partners.

The IMPAACT Network is composed collectively of the IMPAACT Leadership and Operations Center (LOC), a Laboratory Center (LC), a Statistical and Data Management Center (SDMC) and affiliated NIAID-funded and NICHD-funded Clinical Research Sites (CRS).

The Scientific Leadership Group (SLG) develops and executes the scientific agenda, and the Management Oversight Group (MOG) manages day-to-day operations necessary to implement the agenda. The SLG is joined by four Scientific Committees (SC), two Scientific Service Cores (SSC) and an External Scientific Advisory Group (EAG) to address the specific key components of the scientific agenda. The IMPAACT LOC works closely with the IMPAACT Community Advisory Board (ICAB), our NIH partners and external collaborators.

The IMPAACT Finance and Contracts Office (at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the grantee institution) serves as the LOC fiscal management agent. The Operations Center (OC) at FHI 360 contributes to, coordinates and facilitates the functions and activities of the IMPAACT Network. IMPAACT groups that oversee and support protocol development and study conduct include the Multidisciplinary Protocol Review Group (MPRG) for protocol readiness and the Study Monitoring Committee (SMC) for oversight of study conduct and safety.

Learn more about the IMPAACT Network

IMPAACT Overview (1.45 MB)