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Showing 800 abstracts.

Increased NVP Resistance in Infants Infected by HIV-1 via Breastfeeding While on NVP Prophylaxis

Vitamin D Attenuates Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Induced Depletion of Mitochondrial DNA in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells

HIV gp120 Induced Expansion of Myeloid Suppressor Cells is Dependent on Interleukin-6

High frequency of anti-V1V2 IgG antibodies in HIV exposed, HIV vaccinated infants


Keystone Symposium

Increased CMV Co-Infection with In Utero-Acquired HIV-Infection

Challenges in Analyzing Safety Data in a Phase lll trial to Evaluate the Safety of Extended Regimen of Nevirapine (NVP) in Infants Born to HIV-infected Mothers (HPTN 046)

Sexual maturation in perinatally HIV-infected and HIV-exposed youth in the era of combination antiretroviral treatment

Reflection analysis of infant scans results may improve infant DXA bone density and body composition result that contain motion


16th International Conference of Infectious Diseases



Psychiatric disorder symptoms are associated with longitudinal changes in antiretroviral (ARV) non-adherence in perinatally HIV infected youth in the US: Results from IMPAACT P1055 New



Population Pharmacokinetics of Twice Daily Zidovudine (ZDV) in HIV-Infected Children: A Pooled Analysis from 6 international studies and an assessment of ZDV exposure following WHO weight band recommendations