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A Look Back at 2022


Season's Greetings

We want to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to those who support the IMPAACT Network. We recognize the dedication, perseverance, and relentless effort of all who are working together to combat HIV/AIDS and its comorbidities in our populations around the world. We wish you a safe and joyful holiday season and look forward to what can be achieved in 2023.

Happy New Year!

holiday message
Season's Greetings!

IMPAACT in 2022

As this year comes to a close, we are grateful for the many contributions of our clinical research site staff, community members, investigators, study participants and their caregivers/parents, central Network staff, committee and protocol team members, pharmaceutical collaborators, sponsors, and other Network partners.

IMPAACT By The Numbers 2022
IMPAACT in 2022

2022 World AIDS Day Message from the Network Chairs

This year's World AIDS Day theme is “Equalize,” with a call to action to address inequalities in the HIV/AIDS epidemic.