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Call for Self-Nominations: IMPAACT Network Co-Chair


In early 2026, NIAID and its collaborating institutes are expected to issue a Request for Applications (RFA) to include much or all of the IMPAACT Network’s current scientific portfolio, with potential expansion to other research areas. The next funding cycle is expected to begin on or about 1 December 2027 and continue for seven years thereafter. The current Network Chair’s and Vice Chairs’ terms of service will continue through the end of the current funding period (anticipated 30 November 2027).

For the next funding cycle, the IMPAACT Scientific Leadership Group (SLG) voted to modify the leadership structure to include two network Co-Chairs (instead of a single Chair), with Dr. Sharon Nachman (the current Chair) to serve in one of these positions alongside another individual to be selected by the SLG following a broad solicitation for applicants. The Co-Chairs will be named as multiple principal investigators (MPIs) in the IMPAACT Leadership and Operations Center (LOC) grant application. Dr. Nachman will initially serve as the contact PI for the LOC grant (among the MPIs); however, her term of service as Co-Chair/MPI is expected to be time-limited (two years into the next grant cycle), with subsequent transition to an advisory role within the network.

Therefore, the IMPAACT Network is now soliciting self-nominations for a Network Co-Chair/LOC MPI for the next funding cycle. 

IMPAACT Network Announcements Call for Co-Chair Self Nominations
The IMPAACT Network is now accepting applications for a Co-Chair.

Apply Now

If you would like to be considered for this solicitation, all applications are to be submitted to the IMPAACT Operations Center ( by 14 November 2024 at 5:00 PM ET.

Queries may be directed to the IMPAACT Operations Center (