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IMPAACT at International Workshop on Pediatrics & HIV 2024 and AIDS 2024


The IMPAACT Network will present research in one oral presentation and two posters at the 16th International Workshop on Pediatrics & HIV 2024 and one oral presentation and one poster presentation at AIDS 2024. Both meetings will take place as hybrid meetings virtually and in Munich, Germany, from 19-20 July and 22-26 July.  

Studies with abstracts planned for presentation include P1026s, IMPAACT 2009, IMPAACT 2008, IMPAACT 2016, IMPAACT 2017/MOCHA, and IMPAACT 2023. 

International Workshop on Pediatrics & HIV 2024

IMPAACT 2009Site experiences delivering integrated Next Step Counseling (iNSC) to perinatal participants in the IMPAACT 2009 study in ZimbabweSango A, Mungate L, Chitibura L, Samuriwo P, Munaiwa O, Chimutai V, Ngwashi C, Mutasa T, Tamirepi K, Mutambanengwe M, Mandima P, Nematadzira TG, and Stranix-Chibanda L, for the IMPAACT 2009 Study Team in Zimbabwe  Poster presentation 
IMPAACT 2016 High prevalence of common mental disorders amongst adolescents with HIV in Zimbabwe: IMPAACT 2016, A Randomized Control Trial Tichaona T, Tsungai M, Tapiwa M, Tarisai Concilia B, Tambudzai M, Rufaro K, Justice G, Netsai M, Teacler N, Maturure S, Mandima PF, Maonera S, Stranix-Chibanda L, for the IMPAACT 2016 study team Poster presentation 
IMPAACT 2023 Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Dolutegravir in Neonates Exposed to HIV-1 (IMPAACT 2023) Momper J, Chandasana H, Johnston B, Small H, Shapiro D, Wang J, Goldberg E, Bradford S, Mustich I, Brozik H, Yin D, Townley E, Colsh K, McMunn A, Buckler G, Buchanan A, Koblansky A, McKenna M, Beijer C, Adisetiyo H, Soko D, Aziz M, Aurpibul L, Ruenglerdpong S, Lapphra J, Powis K, Cruz ML, Acosta E, Best B, Mirochnick M, Clarke D Oral presentation 

AIDS 2024

P1026s and IMPAACT 2009 (DR 831) Prediction of intracellular tenofovir-diphosphate concentrations during pregnancy using a semi-mechanism-based population pharmacokinetic model Yu Y, Doncel G, Brooks K, Best B, Marzinke M, Mirochnick M, Anderson P, Myer L, Celum C, Heffron R, Baeten J, Davey DJ, Momper J, Hendrix C, Bies R, Scott RK Poster Presentation
IMPAACT 2017 Long-acting cabotegravir (CAB) plus rilpivirine (RPV) in the first, virologically-suppressed adolescents with HIV-1 to receive an every 8-week, all-injectable regimen in a multicenter, multinational study: IMPAACT 2017 Week 48 outcomes Gaur AH, Baltrusaitis K, Capparelli EV, Moye JH, Yin DE, Violari A, Heckman B, Buisson S, Van Solingen-Ristea RM, Harrington CM, Marzinke MA, Lowenthal ED, Ward S, Milligan R, Best BM, Townley E, Agwu AL, McCoig C, Huang J, Roberts G, Crauwels H, Van Eygen V, Krotje C, Zabih S, Masheto G, Ounchanum P, Aurpibul L, Korutaro V, Bolton Moore C Oral presentation