World AIDS Day 2024 Message from the Network Chairs

Dear IMPAACT Network Colleagues,
December 1 marks World AIDS Day, a day for global reflection, awareness, and renewal of our shared commitment to ending the HIV epidemic. And this year’s theme, “Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress,” underscores the power of unity and collaboration in achieving remarkable milestones while recognizing the critical work that still lies ahead.
For IMPAACT, our collective efforts over the past year have brought advances aimed at improving health outcomes for infants, children, adolescents, and pregnant or postpartum people affected by HIV and its related complications. World AIDS Day is an opportunity to celebrate the year’s achievements and reflect on IMPAACT’s ongoing commitment to improving lives worldwide. This year, two studies began enrollment, two additional protocols were finalized, and development of protocols for three more new studies was initiated. It was a busy year; some of the Network achievements are highlighted below.
Network Accomplishments
The year 2024 was successful, filled with many milestones.
The CRAYON study (Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine Long-Acting Injections in YOung ChildreN)/IMPAACT 2036, a Phase I/II, multi-center, open-label, non-comparative pharmacokinetic (PK) and safety study of cabotegravir (CAB) and rilpivirine (RPV) started strongly and enrolled its first participants in January 2024 and met their interim analysis accrual targets by July.
The Network announced the newest class of Early Career Investigators (ECI) who, using samples and data from prior studies, will complete their projects by 2026. Their research includes understanding weight gain with dolutegravir use, breastmilk biomarkers, characterization of B Cell repertoires with live attenuated RotaTeq vaccine, and TORCHES relation to preterm delivery and low birth weight. Meet the ECIs and learn about their projects here.
The International Pediatric HIV Symposium in Africa released its report in February detailing outcomes and next steps from the December 2023 virtual convening. IMPAACT was a symposium sponsor and contributed to discussions on the latest advances in pediatric HIV prevention and treatment.
In March, IMPAACT researchers presented three oral and 12 poster presentations at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Denver, Colorado, USA. Also in March, we kicked off the nomination process for new members joining the Therapeutics, Tuberculosis, and Brain & Mental Health Scientific Committees.
Based on IMPAACT 2019 study data, in June the European Medicines Agency approved Triumeq PD® for infants and children as young as 3 months of age who weigh at least 6 kg. IMPAACT Network colleagues traveled to Munich, Germany, in July to give presentations at the International Workshop on Pediatrics & HIV and AIDS 2024. Studies with abstracts presented included P1026s, IMPAACT 2009, IMPAACT 2008, IMPAACT 2016, IMPAACT 2017/MOCHA, and IMPAACT 2023.
In October, the IMPAACT Network Annual Meeting was held in Crystal City, Virginia, USA, with over 700 attendees participating in the hybrid meeting. The World Health Organization released updated clinical trial guidance to make clinical trials more effective and equitable across countries of all income levels. Our Network Chair, Dr. Sharon Nachman, was a key contributor to this initiative.
Primary results were presented by P1108 at the 2024 Union World Conference on Lung Health held in Bali, Indonesia in November. These results indicated that bedaquiline (BDQ) was safe and well-tolerated in children across all ages at the BDQ dosing evaluated, with pharmacokinetic exposures within the adult target range. IMPAACT 2042, also known as the Tatelo-Plus study, enrolled its first participant. The study is designed to evaluate the viral and immune response, including maintenance of HIV suppression, to a combination of three anti-HIV broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) among up to 41 children and youth (24 months to 25 years of age) living with HIV who began receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) soon after birth.
This year, the Network was saddened to lose two colleagues, Steven (“Steve”) D. Douglas, MD and Gloria Noluthando Moche. Dr. Douglas served as an invaluable member of the IMPAACT Scientific Leadership Group for the last decade. He previously led the specialty immunology laboratory for IMPAACT and was principal investigator for the Philadelphia IMPAACT Clinical Trials Unit. Gloria worked with the Soweto IMPAACT/Perinatal HIV Research Unit (PHRU) clinical research site and was a dedicated member of the IMPAACT Community Advisory Board (ICAB) Leadership Group and served as an ICAB representative on the IMPAACT Tuberculosis Scientific Committee. We are grateful for their unwavering service to the IMPAACT Network and its community.
As we ended the year, IMPAACT solicited applications for a new Network Co-Chair, additional members for the Cure & Immunotherapy Scientific Committee, and the next class of ECIs. Our review processes are currently underway, and we look forward to announcing the results in early 2025!
“Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress”
As we recognize the many advancements made in HIV research and programs on this World AIDS Day, we would like to thank those who make that progress possible. The daily work of our clinical research site staff, community members, investigators, study participants and their caregivers/parents, central Network staff, committee and protocol team members, pharmaceutical collaborators, sponsors, and other Network partners is the foundation of our success. We appreciate your profound commitment and contributions to the IMPAACT Network.
While this year’s accomplishments certainly sustained progress, as we embark on a new year, we are steadfast in continuing to accelerate HIV progress forward. IMPAACT remains committed to being innovative, agile, and resilient in meeting the critical needs of infants, children, adolescents, and pregnant and postpartum people affected by HIV.
We wish you a happy holiday season and joyful new year!
Sharon Nachman, IMPAACT Chair
Patricia Flynn, IMPAACT US Vice Chair
Philippa Musoke, IMPAACT International Vice Chair