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Pharmacokinetic Properties of Antiretroviral and Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs During Pregnancy and Postpartum

Study Status

Closed to Accrual

DAIDS Number


IND Number


Clinical Trials Link


IMPAACT 2026 is a Phase IV, prospective, pharmacokinetic (PK) study of selected antiretroviral (ARV) and anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs during pregnancy and postpartum. The study is designed to evaluate the following: the PK of ARV medicines used in clinical care during pregnancy and postpartum; the PK of ARVs when used in combination with first-line TB medicines in clinical care during pregnancy and postpartum; the PK of second-line TB medicines when used in clinical care during pregnancy and postpartum; the kinetics of placental and breastmilk transfer of long-acting injectable ARVs after maternal dosing during pregnancy; and the kinetics of breastmilk transfer of other select ARVs from mother to child during breastfeeding.

Site selection was completed in January 2019 and was open to all IMPAACT sites. Sites are located in Botswana, Brazil, India, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda, the United States, and Zimbabwe.

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