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IMPAACT 2047 / Radiant-Moms Plus

Phase II, Randomized Study of the Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Tolerability of High Dose Rifapentine given with Moxifloxacin for Tuberculosis during Pregnancy

Study Status

In Development

DAIDS Number


IND Number



IMPAACT 2047/ Radiant-Moms Plus (Rifapentine in High Doses in Pregnancy with TB) is a Phase II, two-arm, multi-site, randomized study evaluating the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of high-dose rifapentine combined with moxifloxacin in pregnant people with tuberculosis. Pregnant people living with and without HIV will be enrolled. The study is designed to compare a four-month daily tuberculosis treatment regimen 4HPMZ [isoniazid (H), high-dose rifapentine (P), moxifloxacin (M) and pyrazinamide (Z)] with a six-month daily tuberculosis treatment regimen 6HRZE [isoniazid (H), rifampin (R), pyrazinamide (Z), and ethambutol (E)]. Participants will be followed for 12 months post-treatment initiation. Site selection for this study has not yet occurred.

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