World AIDS Day 2021: Sedibeng Sa Bophelo Community Project


World AIDS Day is commemorated each year on the 1st of December and is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV, and remember those who have died. (South African Government-  

A series of pre-WAD activities are organized annually in different, provinces, metropolitan municipalities, sub- districts and wards in South Africa to commemorate World Aids Day.  

Addressing the Theme as Sedibeng Sa Bophelo Community Project: 

The theme of WAD 2021 is “End the Discrimination, End Aids.” This befitting quote adequately addresses our decision to commemorate this day for 2021, with specific focus on the devastating aftereffects of gender-based violence on new HIV infections, particularly amongst Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in Soweto. Getting to the roots of a problem is the most effective way and first step towards solving the problem. In our efforts to reach the second 95 in the 95-95-95 strategy, it is of utmost importance that we engage men and boys in meaningful discussions and education about accessing health and social services as well as understand their challenges that provoke potential violent behaviour. 

WAD 2021 at Sedibeng Sa Bophelo Community Project - Johannesburg South Africa: 

Non-profit organizations, community-based organizations and faith-based organizations in Johannesburg, South Africa have multi-sectoral forums which serve to bring together community-based stakeholders and local government to address the challenges of our communities together. They always come together either at government (Department of Health) initiative and leadership, or independently to form collaborations to commemorate WAD in such a way that it will relate to the communities and get the target communities and key populations to take action.  

A number of activities, events, community dialogues and workshops, candlelight ceremonies took place on the 1 December 2021, and post-WAD events continue in communities, churches and service points. WAD in South Africa coincides with the 16 Days of Activism Against Women and Child Abuse. This year, Sedibeng Sa Bophelo Community Project collaborated with our closest neighbours and stakeholders, The South African Red Cross Soweto Branch and the newly formed Translate Foundation, as well as the South African Police Services Trauma Unit Moroka Police Station, The Mental Health Society Soweto (Rockville Branch) and the I’m Against GBV community organization for a Men and Boys Dialogue addressing the “Self- Exile of men from accessing health -and social services.” A similar virtual dialogue, hosted by another CBO/NGO, Qalakabusha Home Based Care, supported by NACOSA, addressed the question of the reluctance of men to access COVID-19 vaccination services. 

The question we needed answered through our campaign, and our effort to remain true to the WAD 2021 theme, “End Discrimination, End AIDS.” 

Maybe the reasons for men not accessing health and social services is key to the world reaching the NSP Goals for the reduction of new HIV/ TB/ STIs by 2022. Time will tell. 

However, A picture is worth a thousand words. 

Below are some of the visuals from our World Aids Day 2021 in Johannesburg, as we call it, “Doing it the Kasi Way.”