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Showing 800 abstracts.

Lymphoproliferative Responses (LP) to REC HIV-1 Envelope Antigens in Neonates & Infants Receiving GP120 Vaccines


William Borkowsky, Diane W. Wara, James McNamara, Minhee Kang, Terence Fenton, Elizabeth (Betsy) J. McFarland, Coleen K. Cunningham, Lynne M. Mofenson, Anne-Marie Duliege, Donald P. Francis

Immunogenicity and Safety of Early Measles Vaccination in Children Born to HIV Infected Mothers: Results of Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group (PACTG) Protocol 225


Sulachni Chandwani

Complications According to Mode of Delivery Among HIV-Positive Women with CD4 Counts< 500.


Heather D. Watts, Lynne M. Mofenson, Jean Whitehouse, E. Richard Stiehm, John S. Lambert, Mary Glenn Fowler, George J. Nemo

The Influence of Dose and Food on Didanosine Systemic Exposure in HIV-Infected Children


Robert C. Stevens, Lisa M. Frenkel

Zidovudine Pharmacokinetics and Intracellular Pharmacology of Zidovudine in HIV-Infected Women and Newborn Infants


John H. Rodman, Patricia M. Flynn, Suzette Blanchard, Eleanor Jimenez, Jose F. Rodriguez, Arnold Fridland

Pharmacokinetics Of A Pediatric Efavirenz Suspension


Richard Brundage, Courtney V. Fletcher, William D. Fiske, David Kornhauser, James McNamara, Lynne M. Mofenson, Stuart E. Starr

Flow Cytometry Shows Immune Recovery In HIV-Infected Children Receiving Efavirenz (EFV), Nelfinavir (NFV) and Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs).


Steven D. Douglas, Florence H. Yong, Stuart E. Starr

Simultaneous HPLC Assay of Efavirenz, Delavirdine, and Four Protease Inhibitors in Human Plasma.




Rory P. Remmel, Lane R. Bushman, Dennis Weller, S. M. Han, Courtney V. Fletcher

Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Antiviral Effect of Efavirenz (EFV) Liquid Suspension in Combination with Nelfinavir (NLF) and Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs) in HIV-Infected Children.


Stuart E. Starr, Courtney V. Fletcher, Stephen A. Spector, Richard Brundage, Florence H. Yong, Douglas J. Manion

Lack Of Tumors In Infants With Perinatal HIV Exposure and Fetal/Neonatal Exposure To Zidovudine (AZT)


I. Celine Hanson, Ellen Rae Cooper, Tracy A. Antonelli, Lynne M. Mofenson, James M. Oleske, Mary Culnane, Sophia S. Lee, Rhoda S. Sperling, George D. McSherry, David E. Shapiro