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Showing 800 abstracts.

Comparability Of Rapidly Processed and Overnight Shipped Blood Specimens For Plasma HIV-1 RNA Quantitation In HIV-Infected Pregnant Women


John ( Jack ) Moye, Lynne M. Mofenson, William A. Meyer, Robert Nugent, Jean Whitehouse, James Bethel

Phase III, Randomized, Blinded Study Of Single-Dose Intrapartum/Neonatal Nevirapine To Reduce Mother To Infant HIV Transmission


Alejandro Dorenbaum, John L. Sullivan, Richard D. Gelber, Lynne M. Mofenson, Mary Culnane, Coleen K. Cunningham, Gina M. Brown, G. Brown, Karen P. Beckerman, Kevin Dransfield

Lymphocyte Activation and Memory In Perinatal HIV Transmission and Infant Infection


John ( Jack ) Moye, E. Richard Stiehm, James Bethel, Helene M.A. Paxton, Hildie Suter, Susan Plaeger, Howard Max Rosenblatt, Alan Landay, Lynne M. Mofenson, Bonnie J. Mathieson, Jonathan Kagan

Immunologic Response To Combination Nucleoside Analogue Plus Protease Inhibitor Therapy In Stable Antiretroviral Therapy-Experienced Children


William Borkowsky, Kenneth Stanley, Steven D. Douglas, Sophia S. Lee, Andrew A. Wiznia, Stephen Ira Pelton, Ram Yogev, Kenneth McIntosh, Susan A. Fiscus, Sharon Appelbaum Nachman

Efavirenz (EFV) and Nelfinavir (NFV) Pharmacokinetics (PK) In HIV-Infected Children Under Two Years Of Age


Richard Brundage, Courtney V. Fletcher, Terence Fenton, William D. Fiske, Mark I. Becker, Lynette Purdue, Lynne M. Mofenson, James McNamara, Lynne M. Mofenson, Stephen A. Spector, Stuart E. Starr

Randomized Trial Of Two Saquinavir (SQV SGC)-Containing Combination Treatment Regimens In HIV-Infected Children


Mark W. Kline, Courtney V. Fletcher, Jane C. Lindsey, Terence Fenton

Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics Of Clinically Stable Antiretroviral Therapy-Experienced HIV-Infected Children


Andrew A. Wiznia, Sophia S. Lee, Sharon Appelbaum Nachman, Ram Yogev

Effect Of Treatment Efficacy and Treatment Time On HIV-1 Dynamics


Hulin Wu, A. A. Ding, John L. Sullivan, Katherine Luzuriaga

The Prevalence of Pain in Pediatric HIV/AIDS and its Effect on Quality of Life as Reported by Participants in the Pediatric Late Outcomes Study (PACTG 219)


Denise Gaughan, Steven Gortmaker, George Seage

Prospective Monitoring of Perinatal HIV Transmission and Infant Mortality in Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group PACTG Protocol 247: How Low Can We Go?


James M. Oleske, Harland S. Winter, Ross E. McKinney, Michael Hughes, Christine Powell, Carol Elgie, Anne Fresia, James McNamara, John ( Jack ) Moye