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Showing 1533 manuscripts.

The influence of psychosocial characteristics and race/ethnicity on the use, duration and success of antiretroviral therapy

Brian Wells Pence, Jan Ostermann, Virender Kumar, Kathryn Whetten, Nathan Thielman, Michael J. Mugavero. The influence of psychosocial characteristics and race/ethnicity on the use, duration and success of antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2008. 47: 194-201.




Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

Short-term affect of HAART on blood pressure in HIV-infected individuals

Jodi Grandominico, Carl J. Fichtenbaum. Short-term affect of HAART on blood pressure in HIV-infected individuals. HIV Clinical Trials. 2008. 9: 52-60.




HIV Clinical Trials

Relative sensitivity of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to cognitive function among nondemented individuals infected with HIV

Robert H. Paul, Thomas Ernst, Adam M. Brickman, Constantin Yiannoutsos, David Tate, Ronald A. Cohen, Bradford A. Navia. Relative sensitivity of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to cognitive function among nondemented individuals infected with HIV. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2008. 14: 725-33.




Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

Maturation of dendritic cells for enhanced activation of anti-HIV-1 CD8(+) T cell immunity

Xiao-Li Huang, Z. Fan, LuAnn Borowski, Charles Rinaldo. Maturation of dendritic cells for enhanced activation of anti-HIV-1 CD8(+) T cell immunity. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 2008. 83: 1530-40.




Journal of Leukocyte Biology

Nine-color flow cytometry for accurate measurement of T cell subsets and cytokine responses. Part II: Panel performance across different instrument platforms.

Bridget E. McLaughlin, Nicole Baumgarth, Martin Bigos, Mario Roederer, Stephen C. De Rosa, John Altman, Douglas F. Nixon, Janet Ottinger, J. Li, Laurel Beckett, B. L. Shacklett, Thomas G. Evans, David M. Asmuth. Nine-color flow cytometry for accurate measurement of T cell subsets and cytokine responses. Part II: Panel performance across different instrument platforms.. Cytometry: The Journal of the Society for Analytical Cytology. 2008. 73: 411-20.




Cytometry: The Journal of the Society for Analytical Cytology