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Showing 1533 manuscripts.

Hemochromatosis gene polymorphisms, mitochondrial haplogroups, and peripheral lipoatrophy during antiretroviral therapy

Todd Hulgan, Pablo Tebas, Jeffrey A. Canter, Kathleen Mulligan, David W. Haas, Michael P. Dube, Steven K. Grinspoon, Gregory K. Robbins, Alison A. Motsinger, Asha R. Kallianpur. Hemochromatosis gene polymorphisms, mitochondrial haplogroups, and peripheral lipoatrophy during antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2008. 197: 858-66.




Journal of Infectious Diseases

Effect of low-dose IL-2 immunotherapy on frequency and phenotype of regulatory T cells and NK cells in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients

P. Velilla, M.Tarek Shata, C. S. Lages, J. Ying, Carl J. Fichtenbaum, Claire Chougnet. Effect of low-dose IL-2 immunotherapy on frequency and phenotype of regulatory T cells and NK cells in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2008. 24: 52-61.




AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses