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Showing 800 abstracts.

Establishment and Maintenance of Long-Term Undetectable Plasma HIV-1 RNA: Correlation with Immunologic Reconstitution and Viral Dynamics


Patricia M. Flynn, Steven D. Douglas, Bret J. Rudy, Janet L. Lathey, Jane C. Lindsey, YouGan Wang

Genotypic Resistance to Zidovudine and Didanosine Among Early treated Infants in ACTG 239


Andrea Kovacs, Robert Husson, Kate Cowles, Paula Britto, Kenneth McIntosh, Jane Pitt

Association of change in immune function and social factors with change in quality of life in children with HIV-1 infection.


Lois C. Howland, Steven Gortmaker, Catherine Spino

Pharmacokinetics of saquinavir (SQV) with nelfinavir (NFV) or ritionavir (RTV) in HIV-infected.


Richard Brundage, Mark W. Kline, Jane C. Lindsey, Terence Fenton, Courtney V. Fletcher

Pharmacologic of efavirenz (EFV) and Nelfinavir (NFV) associated with virologic response in HIV-infected children.


Courtney V. Fletcher, Terence Fenton, Christine Powell, Peter Anderson, Richard Brundage, Stephen A. Spector, Stuart E. Starr

Lymphocyte phenotyping in normal infants, children adolescents.


William T. Shearer, Howard Max Rosenblatt, Stephen A. Spector, E. Richard Stiehm, Diane W. Wara, Steven D. Douglas, Katherine Luzuriaga, Elizabeth (Betsy) J. McFarland, Ram Yogev, Mobeen H. Rathore, Wende Levy, Bobbie L. Graham, Rebecca Oyomopito, Rebecca S. Gelman

Lack of Tunors in Infants with Perinatal HIV Exposure and Fetal/Neonatal Exposure to Zidovudine (AZT)


I. Celine Hanson

Comparative Susceptibility of Neonatal Lymphocytes and Monocytes to HIV Infection


Sandra K. Burchett

Safety and Tolerance of Zidovudine (ZDV, AZT, RETROVIR) During a Phase I Study in Children: Two Year Follow-Up


Ross E. McKinney

Cardiac Abnormalities in Pediatric HIV Infection


A. Kavanaugh-mchuch