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Showing 1533 manuscripts.

Intention-to-treat vs. on-treatment analyses of clinical trial data: experience from a study of pyrimethamine in the primary prophylaxis of toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients. ANRS 005/ACTG 154 trial group

Genevieve Chene, Philippe Morlat, Catherine Leport, Richard Hafner, L. Dequae, I. Charreau, Jean-Pierre Aboulker, Benjamin J. Luft, Jean Aubertin, Jean-Louis Vilde, Roger Salamon. Intention-to-treat vs. on-treatment analyses of clinical trial data: experience from a study of pyrimethamine in the primary prophylaxis of toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients. ANRS 005/ACTG 154 trial group. Controlled Clinical Trials. 1998. 19: 233-48.




Controlled Clinical Trials

Safety of the Maternal-Infant Zidovudine Regimen Utilized in the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group 076 Study

Rhoda S. Sperling, David E. Shapiro, George D. McSherry, Paula Britto, Bethann Cunningham-Schrader, Mary Culnane, Robert W. Coombs, Gwendolyn B. Scott, Russell B. Van Dyke, William T. Shearer, Eleanor Jimenez, Clemente Diaz, Duane Harrison, Jean-Francois Delfraissy. Safety of the Maternal-Infant Zidovudine Regimen Utilized in the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group 076 Study. AIDS. 1998. 12: 1805-13.





Safety and Immunogenicity of HIV Recombinant Envelope Vaccines in HIV-infected Infants and Children

JS Lambert, J McNamara, SL Katz, T Fenton, MH Kang, TC VanCott, R Livingston, E Hawkins, J Moye, W Borkowsky, D Johnson, R Yogev, AM Duliege, Donald P. Francis, Anne A. Gershon, Diane W. Wara, Natasha L. Martin, Myron Levin, George D. McSherry, Gale Smith. Safety and Immunogenicity of HIV Recombinant Envelope Vaccines in HIV-infected Infants and Children. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology. 1998. 19: 451-61.




Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology

The extent of non-adherence in a large clinical trial using plasma dideoxynucleoside concentrations as a marker

Helen Kastrissios, J. R. Suarez, Scott M. Hammer, David Katzenstein, Terrence F. Blaschke. The extent of non-adherence in a large clinical trial using plasma dideoxynucleoside concentrations as a marker. AIDS. 1998. 12: 2305-11.





Effect of the statistical significance of results on the time to completion and publication of randomized efficacy trials

John P.A. Ioannidis. Effect of the statistical significance of results on the time to completion and publication of randomized efficacy trials. The Journal of the American Medical Association. 1998. 279: 281-6.




The Journal of the American Medical Association

Attempting to Enhance the Enrollment of Adolescents into AIDS Clinical Trials: The Design of ACTG Protocol 220

Lawrence D'Angelo, Jane C. Lindsey, Bonnie Zimmer, Mary Culnane, Donna Futterman. Attempting to Enhance the Enrollment of Adolescents into AIDS Clinical Trials: The Design of ACTG Protocol 220. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 1998. 12: 853-9.




AIDS Patient Care and STDs

Randomized Comparative Trial of Stavudine (d4T) versus Zidovudine (ZDV, AZT) in Children with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

Mark W. Kline, Russell B. Van Dyke, Jane C. Lindsey, Meg Gwynne, Margaret Gwynne, Mary Culnane, Ross E. Mckinney, Sharon Nichols, Wendy G. Mitchell, Ram Yogev, Nancy Hutcheon. Randomized Comparative Trial of Stavudine (d4T) versus Zidovudine (ZDV, AZT) in Children with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Pediatrics. 1998. 101: 214-220.





Pharmacokinetics of Nevirapine in Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1- Infected Pregnant Women and Their Neonates.

Mirochnick M, Fenton T, Gagnier P, Pav J, Gwynne M, Siminski S, Sperling RS, Beckerman K, Jimenez E, Yogev R, Spector SA, Sullivan JL. Pharmacokinetics of Nevirapine in Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1- Infected Pregnant Women and Their Neonates.. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1998. 178: 368-74.




Journal of Infectious Diseases

A Phase I Safety and Pharmacokinetics Study of Micronized Atovaquone in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Infants and Children

Walter T. Hughes, Alejandro Dorenbaum, Ram Yogev, B. Beauchamp, Jing Xu, James McNamara, John ( Jack ) Moye, Lynette Purdue, Russell B. Van Dyke, Martha Rogers, Brian M. Sadler. A Phase I Safety and Pharmacokinetics Study of Micronized Atovaquone in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Infants and Children. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 1998. 42: 1315-18.




Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Correspondence (Reply): Safety and Pharmocokinetics Of Hyperimmune Anti-HIV Immunoglobulin (HIVIG) Administered To HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Their Newborns

Lambert J, Mofenson LM, Moye J. Correspondence (Reply): Safety and Pharmocokinetics Of Hyperimmune Anti-HIV Immunoglobulin (HIVIG) Administered To HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Their Newborns. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1998. 178: 598-99.




Journal of Infectious Diseases