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Showing 1533 manuscripts.

Switching to a protease inhibitor-containing, nucleoside-sparing regimen (lopinavir/ritonavir plus efavirenz) increases limb fat but raises serum lipid levels. Results of a prospective randomized trial (AIDS clinical trial group 5125s)

Pablo Tebas, Jiameng Zhang, Kevin E. Yarasheski, Scott Evans, Margaret A. Fischl, Abby Helen Shevitz, Judith Feinberg, Ann C. Collier, Cecilia M. Shikuma, Barbara Brizz, Fred Richard Sattler. Switching to a protease inhibitor-containing, nucleoside-sparing regimen (lopinavir/ritonavir plus efavirenz) increases limb fat but raises serum lipid levels. Results of a prospective randomized trial (AIDS clinical trial group 5125s). Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2007. 45: 193-200.




Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

Optimizing measurement of self-reported adherence with the ACTG adherence questionnaire: a cross-protocol analysis

Nancy Radcliffe Reynolds, Junfeng Sun, Haikady N. Nagaraja, Allen L. Gifford, Albert W. Wu, Margaret A. Chesney. Optimizing measurement of self-reported adherence with the ACTG adherence questionnaire: a cross-protocol analysis. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2007. 46: 402-9.




Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

Phase 2 study of the safety and efficacy of Vicriviroc, a CCR5 inhibitor, in HIV-1-infected, treatment-experienced patients: AIDS clinical trials group 5211

Daniel R. Kuritzkes, Roy (Trip) Gulick, Zhaohui Su, Charles Flexner, Michael Hughes, Paul Skolnik, Timothy J. Wilkin, Robert Gross, Amy Krambrink, Eoin Coakley, Wayne Greaves, Andrew R. Zolopa, Richard C. Reichman, Catherine Godfrey, Martin S. Hirsch. Phase 2 study of the safety and efficacy of Vicriviroc, a CCR5 inhibitor, in HIV-1-infected, treatment-experienced patients: AIDS clinical trials group 5211. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2007. 196: 304-12.




Journal of Infectious Diseases

Potential risks and benefits of HIV treatment simplification: a simulation model of a proposed clinical trial

Bruce R. Schackman, Callie A. Scott, Paul Edward Sax, Elena Losina, Timothy J. Wilkin, John Ernest McKinnon, Susan Swindells, Milton C. Weinstein, Kenneth A. Freedberg. Potential risks and benefits of HIV treatment simplification: a simulation model of a proposed clinical trial. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2007. 45: 1062-70.




Clinical Infectious Diseases

Lipids and lactate in human immunodeficiency virus-1-infected pregnancies with or without protease inhibitor-based therapy

Elizabeth Livingston, Susan Ellen Cohn, Yang Yang, Heather D. Watts, Arlene D. Bardeguez, Theodore Benjamin Jones, Laura M. Smith, Triin Umbleja, Grace McComsey. Lipids and lactate in human immunodeficiency virus-1-infected pregnancies with or without protease inhibitor-based therapy. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2007. 110: 391-7.




Obstetrics and Gynecology

Data monitoring in clinical trials using prediction

Scott Evans, Li-Fang Li, Lee-Jen Wei. Data monitoring in clinical trials using prediction. Drug Information Journal. 2007. 41




Drug Information Journal

HIV coinfection impairs CD28-mediated costimulation of hepatitis C virus-specific CD8 cells

Nicole L. Yonkers, Benigno Rodriguez, Anthony B. Post, Robert Asaad, Linda Jones, Michael M. Lederman, Paul V. Lehmann, Donald D. Anthony. HIV coinfection impairs CD28-mediated costimulation of hepatitis C virus-specific CD8 cells. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2007. 194: 391-400.




Journal of Infectious Diseases

TLR9 stimulation drives naive B cells to proliferate and to attain enhanced antigen presenting function

Wei Jiang, Michael M. Lederman, Clifford V. Harding, Benigno Rodriguez, Richard Mohner, Scott F. Sieg. TLR9 stimulation drives naive B cells to proliferate and to attain enhanced antigen presenting function. European Journal of Immunology. 2007. 37: 2205-13.




European Journal of Immunology