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Showing 1533 manuscripts.

Discordances between interpretation algorithms for genotypic resistance to protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus are subtype dependent

Hagit Rudich, Ricardo Camacho, Rosangela Rodrigues, Jonathan M. Schapiro, joke Snoeck, Maria Belen Bouzas, David Katzenstein, Rami Kantor, Francoise Brun-Vezinet, Anne-Mieke Vandamme, Robert Shafer, Caroline Reid, Kristel Van Laethem, Pedro E. Cahn, Koen Deforche, Luis Fernando Brigido, Ana Patricia Carvalho, Zehava Grossman, Brian Wynhoven, Vincent Soriano, Marcelo A. Soares, Wataru Sugiura, Patricia Cane, Praphan Phanuphak, John Clarke, Lynn Morris, Candice Pillay, Jonathan Weber, Sunee Sirivichayakul, Deenan Pillay, Koyo Ariyoshi, Amilcar Tanuri, Africa Holgiun, Richard Harrigan. Discordances between interpretation algorithms for genotypic resistance to protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus are subtype dependent. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2006. 50: 694-701.




Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Pharmacogenetics of plasma efavirenz exposure after treatment discontinuation: an adult AIDS clinical trials group study

Heather Ribaudo, David W. Haas, Camlin Tierney, Richard B. Kim, Grant R Wilkinson, Roy (Trip) Gulick, David B. Clifford, Catia Marzolini, Courtney V. Fletcher, Karen T. Tashima, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, Edward P. Acosta. Pharmacogenetics of plasma efavirenz exposure after treatment discontinuation: an adult AIDS clinical trials group study. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2006. 42: 401-7.




Clinical Infectious Diseases

Indinavir impairs endothelial function in healthy HIV-negative men

Sudha S. Shankar, Michael P. Dube, J. Christopher Gorski, James E. Klaunig, Helmut O. Steinberg. Indinavir impairs endothelial function in healthy HIV-negative men. American Heart Journal. 2005. 150: 933.




American Heart Journal